Big Data

Big Data

Leverage the power of the data you accumulate to your advantage with 3AMITSolutions end-to-end Big Data Solutions and Services.

Data has become ubiquitous with the exponential growth of emerging digital technologies. Managing this burgeoning volume of data every day is the latest challenge for enterprises wanting to harness it for business value. Big Data is more than a factor of size; it opens a world of opportunities to find new and valuable insights from the myriad data sources, generating data at varying speeds and types.

Data-driven predictability will be the source for the new competitive advantage, where predictability becomes the driver for costs and revenue.

The 3AMITSolutions Advantage

Our passion for providing you with the best Big Data solutions and services, which can help you re-imagine your business, is achieved through our focused research, and our association with product vendors and leading research universities.

We bring the following features to each of our engagements:

  • Experience in working with the leading enterprises
  • In-house Big Data connectors and solution accelerators
  • A dedicated Big Data team, specialists (data scientists, computer scientists and engineering talent)
  • A confluence of traditional analytics and next-generation analytics capabilities
  • A state-of-the-art Big Data lab with a vision to make the new digital world bright, relevant and valuable to our customers

Services We Provide

Our unique Think, Build and Operate model for Big Data services helps you to choose the best way to adopt Big Data.

Our principle areas of focus for Big Data services:

We bring the following features to each of our engagements:

  • Big Data Management for the IT Organization
  • Big Data Analytics for the Business Organization

We help you with the following:

  • Big Data Management
  • Big Data Technology Strategy Definition
  • Big Data Technology Use case Identification
  • Big Data Infrastructure Set-up and Management
  • Application Development and Maintenance
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Big Data Analytics Strategy Definition
  • Big Data Business Use-case Identification
  • Big Data Analytics Models / Framework: Development and Enhancement

Our Big Data products include pre-built solutions and solution accelerators for myriad use cases across a wide variety of industries. These solutions are built using proven components of the Big Data ecosystem, enabling a quicker time-to-market for you and easier integration with existing big data investments.

Some of our products cater to the most imperative business problems:

  • Data Migration
  • Warm Archival
  • Customer 3600
  • Metadata Management
  • Sensor Data Analytics
  • Enterprise Data Harmonization

Big Data Technology and Tools:

  • Volume
  • Velocity
  • Variety
  • HDFS
  • Map Reduce / Yarn
  • Pig
  • Hive